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Press background on Dilse foundation
Company profile
Dilse foundation has helped the patients of COVID as well as the genuine families which really wanted support. They have their helping hand over all India. Dilse foundation as too keen in providing support and help in a fraction of minutes to the COVID prone people/families. Kapil Jhaveri of Dilse foundation never had earlier helped his family also to this extent. He is trying his best to give as many boxes and packages of rations to people as possible. Dilse foundation has achieved a peak in helping the public to this extent. There are a number of organisations who are providing a helping hand to the public but none other than Dilse foundation has given its best.
 Recent press releases
Actor Kapil Jhaveri's Dilse foundation Donates Oxygen Cylinders to Hospitals in Goa

The humanitarian task by Dilse foundation has proved its efforts in the difficult times. They say we will be soon dealing with the third wave of COVID where we will be in the most difficult times. Dilse foundation is providing the best supporting hand in this situation.
Kapil... (more)