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Press background on CODEX
Company profile
CODEX is a product offering of Naviz Analytics, is headquartered in Washington DC, United States. The product specializes in establishing data cultures and offers data related solutions. The company will soon be onboarding system integrators, independent software vendors and influencers.
 Recent press releases
CODEX Announces the Launch of its Quarterly Data and Analytics Journal - STEWARD

CODEX, a strategic engagement platform for Chief Data and Analytics officers, announced on August 24, 2021, the launch of a quarterly journal, STEWARD. The magazine captures and collates the voice of global influencers in the field of data, enabling proficiency for readers in data culture, leadersh... (more)
Naviz Analytics Launches CODEX to Help CDOs Build Data Culture

The ongoing pandemic has accelerated the growth of eCommerce. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the eCommerce sector saw a dramatic 3% rise, from 16% to 19% in 2020. This has augmented the adoption of data cultures in companies.
L t... (more)