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Press background on Proteon Pharmaceuticals
Company profile
Proteon Pharmaceuticals S.A. is a leader in bacteriophage (phage) technology for livestock farming and aquaculture. Proteon’s mission is to eliminate the need for unnecessary antibiotic use, reducing the risk of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), as well as to increase the sustainability of protein production through the reduction of waste and improvement of on-farm efficiency. Our products function by modulating the microbiome enabling prophylactic health. We have created a precision phage product development platform using -omics technologies, molecular biology, bioinformatics and artificial intelligence (AI) to create effective, reliable and safe antibacterial solutions for animal and human health.
 Recent press releases
Proteon Pharma to Focus on Development of Bacteriophages as a Sustainable Alternative to Antibiotics in Poultry Industry

Proteon Pharmaceuticals India - a subsidiary of Proteon Pharmaceuticals SA Poland, today announced it will focus on the development of bacteriophages as a sustainable alternative to antibiotics in the poultry industry. It is engaged in the development of precision biology for mi... (more)