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Since 2000, Creativegarh has been one of the most vibrant and engaged creative communities in India and across the world. Over the years, Creativegarh has helped hundreds of creators in networking, unblocking, upskilling, exploring, collaborating and expressing themselves. A few years ago, Creativegarh took a rather welcome sabbatical to recalibrate its purpose. Still, even during the time off, Creativegarh has been working as an informal yet efficient network with members helping each other and their extended connections with jobs, projects, guidance, skills, mentorship and a sacred safe circle for creativity to bloom.
 Recent press releases
Creativegarh Launches Creative Retreats to Revive Creative Passion amongst Seekers

Creativegarh, the most vibrant and engaging community for people relentlessly discovering and pursuing their creative passions, today launched Creativity Retreats to extend creative transformation opportunities to those seeking. The 5-day creative retreats are curated to help people discover their ... (more)