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We are an experienced agency specializing in developing custom mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms for businesses of any size. Tell us your business idea. We provide custom solutions for all your AI, IoT and Mobility needs. We are prolific developers experienced in rapid software developmen
 Recent press releases
AI-powered Chatbots are Helping Businesses and NGOs Define a New user Experience Globally

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), businesses globally are adopting chatbots and Virtual Assistants for improved efficiency in their customer service practices and lead generation processes. NLP is a key technology that enables these platforms to understand human language and respond ac... (more)
Yugasa Software Labs Filed Patents in the Field of Conversational AI and Chatbots

Yugasa Software Labs is a renowned software development firm that offers a range of customised AI, IoT, and Mobility solutions. Whether it is the mobile app or a website or an AI-enabled and NLP-based Chatbot, the Company has the expertise to render software services within stipulated time and budg... (more)