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Press background on Urban Platter
Company profile
Urban Platter’s mission is to be the ingredients provider you need for health, diet or culinary choice you seek. We believe that good quality of ingredients unlock opportunities for our customers to enjoy guilt-free, specific diets or cuisine of their choice and lead better lives. In an increasingly global world where everything is one large melting pot, all of us seek something beyond the ordinary and conventional. As we understand the incredible diversities of cultures around the world and their cuisine – we often seek food experiences that are bespoke and authentic. It’s at this very point of curiosity when we want to offer you the specific experience you desire. Be it a specific Chilli Pepper from Korea, or those priced San Marzano Tomatoes, from Italy. Maybe some Japanese Umeboshi Plums have caught your fancy, or that recipe of Risotto can’t do without Arborio Rice from Southern Italy. That’s when we know you seek a genuine, specific product and we will provide you one.
 Recent press releases
Urban Platter Launches their Meatless Range on World Vegan Day

Urban Platter, a one-stop shop for all gourmet and culinary requirements across every cuisine & category provides consumers with accessible and convenient choices for any & every culinary need along with the luxury of a delightful shopping experience on their website. What initially started... (more)