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Getting into the right preschool is never an accident; it is an outcome of the right decision at the right time. Each TreeHouse playgroup centre provides an environment which is warm, safe and fun-filled.
 Recent press releases
TreeHouse Students Strike Gold at Multiple Sporting Tournaments

Students from TreeHouse School across different cities - Vadodara, Pune, and Mumbai have won gold, silver, and bronze medals at various sporting tournaments.
TreeHouse students strike gold at multiple sporting&n... (more)
Founder of TreeHouse Schools Shares Tips for a Stress-Free Transition to Preschool

Attending preschool is one of the major milestones in a child's life but it is also the first step into an unfamiliar environment and this transition can be stressful for both parents and children. Educationist and founder of the TreeHouse chain of schools, Rajesh Bhatia offers a few suggestio... (more)
Keny from TreeHouse Got Answers to her Questions in Pariksha Pe Charcha

It was a special occasion as Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with thousands of students from schools across India for the fifth edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha.
Keny Patel - Class 10 kid from TreeHouse High School
Hundreds of students, teachers a... (more)
TreeHouse Education Addressing the Post-pandemic Learning Gaps through Special Modules

As schools across the country finally open up, educators and students continue to face post-pandemic challenges including getting acclimated to the school room dynamic, proximity with others while maintaining safety protocols, dealing with anxiety about catching the virus and struggling with tangib... (more)
On International Day of Education, Here are the Five Emerging Trends in Education by Rajesh Bhatia

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24th January as the International Day of Education to celebrate the pivotal role that education plays in creating peace and development. UNESCO states that, "Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, cou... (more)
Online Education may become the Mainstay of the Post-pandemic World, says Education Expert Rajesh Bhatia

As multiple variants of the COVID-19 virus continue to unspool, parents and educators are grappling once again with questions about how to educate young children without exposing them to the risk of infection. Even though schools are beginning to open, the possibility of a third wave and the emerge... (more)