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Those suffering from mental health and addiction issues, usually find themselves unable to cope with the challenges that life throws at them and tend to retreat into their own private shell. This withdrawal hugely affects social skills, professional performance and places tremendous strain on family ties. Samarpan seeks to effect a 360 degree transformation in such individuals. Helping them overcome mental blocks; providing a supportive eco-system; imbuing a sense of positivity & hope; and ensuring they once again regain their zest for living. In short, the Samarpan promise is to get them ‘Back to Life’.
 Recent press releases
Samarpan, Center for Drug De-Addiction Inaugurated by Mahesh Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt

Those suffering from mental health and addiction issues, usually find themselves unable to cope with the challenges that life throws at them and tend to retreat into their own private shell. This withdrawal hugely affects social skills, professional performance and places tremendous strain on famil... (more)