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Babita Rani, a highly qualified and educated professional is here with her new book ‘Perform Your Way To Success’. The book is a homage to her late husband and covers eleven secrets which can help an individual to achieve a holistic peak performance. She watched her husband practice those secrets in real life and achieve great things. The book explains how by espousing a set of eleven principles numerous people can lead fulfilling and successful lives. We too can separate ourselves from the crowd and increase our chances of achieving greatness.
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'Perform Your Way To Success', A Motivational Bestseller Book by Babita Rani

Every New Year’s Eve, we commit ourselves to another interpretation of ‘New time, New me’. Rewinding to the last time, or perhaps two or three years, we are all aware that all of us have made numerous resolutions and also broken them. Either way, it’s been going on for a whi... (more)