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Press background on LVPEI
Company profile
Established in 1987, L V Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI), a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Prevention of Blindness, is a comprehensive eye health facility. The Institute has ten active arms to its areas of operations: Clinical Services, Education, Research, Vision Rehabilitation, Rural and Community Eye Health, Eye Banking, Advocacy and Policy Planning, Capacity Building, Innovation and Product Development. The mission of L V Prasad Eye Institute is to be a centre of excellence in Eye care services, basic and clinical research into eye diseases and vision-threatening conditions, training, product development, and rehabilitation for those with incurable visual disability, with a focus on extending equitable and efficient Eye care to underserved populations in the developing world. LVPEI's mission is to provide equitable and quality eye care to all sections of society. In the last three decades, LVPEI has served close to 30 million people, with more than 40 percent services provided free of cost regardless of complexity, reached close to a thousand villages, trained more than twenty-thousand eye care professionals, and published over 2000 papers in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Most recently, in 2020-21 and 2021-22 LVPEI published 565 and 505 PubMed-indexed research papers, respectively.
 Recent press releases
India Leads Way with World-first Open Research Eye Health Gateway

India is leading the way for global collaboration in eye health research as Hyderabad’s LV Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) becomes a founding affiliate partner for the F1000Research Eye Health Gateway.
Dr. Sayan Basu, LVPEI Network Director graces the occasion with F1000 R... (more)