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Company profile
Nutriherbs is your one-stop shop for natural health and wellbeing. Here at Nutriherbs, we focus on delivering products made using only natural ingredients. We have discovered nature's secrets and crafted them carefully in each of our products so that it can benefit your health and beauty needs. We have gone as far as the Himalayan range to source natural ingredients and we pride ourselves in being a vegetarian company and we use no animal-derived ingredients. We believe in being cruelty-free. Our products are all about the ingredients and we are careful enough to ensure that none of our ingredients contain chemicals, toxins, preservatives, or fillers. At Nutriherbs, we believe nature's touch is the best way to good health. NutriHerbs logo is a natural, wordless illustration of the company's values—expressed through plant-based nutrition. This kind and compassionate design were created in an effort to create something beautiful while being mindful of our planet Earth.
 Recent press releases
Nutriherbs Launches First of its kind Health Supplements

Nutriherbs is an India-based herbal supplement brand being launched as part of Skygain Nutricare Pvt. Ltd. It was founded by CEO Sunny Singh with a shared passion for providing healthy nutritional supplements grounded in the power of nature. Nutriherbs is an organic business (Certified by the ... (more)