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Press background on California Walnut Commission
Company profile
About California Walnut Commission The California Walnut Commission, established in 1987, is funded by mandatory assessments of the growers. The Commission is an agency of the State of California that works in concurrence with the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). The CWC is mainly involved in health research and export market development activities. For more industry information, health research and recipe ideas, visit
 Recent press releases
Don't Just Eat Right, But Eat Smart This New Year Onwards

Nutrition plays a big role in our lives, and yet maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a focus on nutritious foods can be a challenge. With the New Year coming soon, many must be making resolutions to eat healthy and stay fit too.
But where do I start? How do I pick the health... (more)
Flavor Up Your Meals with Versatile and Healthy California Walnuts

Did you know that there’s a super nut sitting in your kitchen that can lend itself beautifully to the preparation of all kinds of meals? We’re talking about walnuts - one of the most versatile nuts you could possibly find. You can eat them whole as a healthy snack, use them to boos... (more)
This Diwali, Give your Loved Ones the Gift of Good Health with California Walnuts

In India, every festival is celebrated with great pomp and joy - none more so than Diwali, the festival of lights. The festivities last for almost a week, and several different rituals are observed to celebrate the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Outside every home, beautifu... (more)
Why Walnuts May be the Top Nut for a Healthy Heart?

In 2016, according to the WHO, India reported 63 percent of total deaths due to non-communicable diseases, and 27 percent were attributed to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Of those, heart attack and stroke are two of the most common causes of death in our country. Now those are pretty scary numbers,... (more)
Study Suggests Walnuts are Bridge to Better Health as We Age

Researchers who reviewed 20 years of diet history and 30 years of physical and clinical measurements have found participants who ate walnuts early on in life showed a greater likelihood for being more physically active, having a higher quality diet, and experiencing a better heart disease risk prof... (more)
This is the Right Way to Store Walnuts and not in the Cupboard

California walnuts are one of the pantry darlings. And why wouldn't they be? After all, they not only taste delicious but are loaded with nutrients such as plant-based omega-3, protein, and fiber. Most Indian households have a stock: to toss with veggies and fruits for salad, blend it into a sm... (more)
Here's Why Yoga and California Walnuts Deserves to be your Health Essentials

Amid hectic work schedules, tentative vacay plans, and the never-ending to-do list that's lingering on us, you'd agree that we are all doing the best we can to live the fullest and stay fit in our small but unique way. And days like, June 21, which is celebrated every year as International ... (more)
National Walnut Day 2022: Here's How California Walnuts Can Help you Make Everyday Healthy

Nutritious, healthy food can be delicious and so versatile - if there's any food item that can make us believe this statement 100 percent, it's California Walnuts! Whether consumed straight out of the shell, chopped or ground into walnut flour, blended into butter or milk, or added to curri... (more)
This World Health Day, Let Walnuts Help you in Making Everyday Healthy

- Dr. Jagmeet Madan, Eminent Nutritionist, Professor and Principal, Sir VithaldasThackersey College of Home Science, SNDTWU, Mumbai, and National President - Indian Dietetic Association
The shift in purchasing power and technology may have made our lives easier and faster - b... (more)
Women's Day 2022: Here's How California Walnuts May Help you Achieve your Health Goals

For women who want an edge on wellness, eating the right foods can be simple, especially when you choose nutrient dense choices, like walnuts. Published health research reveals what makes walnuts a nutritious, heart-healthy1 food for most consumers, but certain areas of research stand out for ... (more)