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Press background on Manbeena Bhullar Sandhu
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Manbeena Bhullar Sandhu holds a degree in substance abuse and addictions, and a master's degree in English literature. She is an addictions counselor and currently lives in Toronto. "Layla in the Sky with Diamonds" is her first book. Simon & Schuster, a company with nearly ninety years of publishing experience, has teamed up with Author Solutions, LLC, the leading self-publishing company worldwide, to create Archway Publishing. With unique resources to support books of all kind, Archway Publishing offers a specialized approach to help every author reach his or her desired audience. For more information, visit or call 888-242-5904.
 Recent press releases
Author Manbeena Bhullar Sandhu Announces Release of ‘Layla in the Sky with Diamonds’

It has been 24 hours since Layla last had cocaine. Now on a flight to New Delhi with her children, all she can focus on is how quickly she can hook up with her friend and drug baron Leonardo so he can provide her with her next fix unaware of the intergenerational damage her choices w... (more)