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Press background on Trabaajo
Company profile
Trabaajo, a Xenture Technologies initiative, is a unique 4thgeneration job application; the first of its kind mobile application for job search and recruitment facilities at all positions across the globe. Trabaajo allows potential candidates to give live video interviews based on their aptitude test anywhere in the country and at any time convenient to them. It also offers free job posting, free document verification, and detailed resume format as per the industry standards, hiring analytics and talent engagement module for its customers. Trabaajo also provides automated notifications. It acts as a first level screening tool for recruiters. The platform has been optimized to run at bandwidth as low as 128 kbps i.e. 2G networks. This is done keeping in the view the telecommunication infrastructure in India.
 Recent press releases
Xenture Technologies Expand Global Footprint

Opened offices in NewYork, Chicago (USA) and Singapore
Plans to launch Paris, Hong Kong & California by the end of this Financial Year
Xenture Technologies is pleased to announce the global expansion plan. Xenture t... (more)