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For the numerous years, insulin was just talked about concerning diabetes, however nowadays it is additionally identified with the weight lifters, but Insulin is bad for non- diabetic body builders.

Dr. Anuj Choudhary, PhD in Sports Medicine and CEO, Animal Booster Nutrition Company

Dr. Anuj Choudhary, Ph.D in Sports Medicine and CEO, Animal Booster Nutrition Company said, “Insulin is undetectable. It just might boost athletic performance but it just might kill.” Insulin may be a lifesaver for the sole people with diabetes. But it can put a normal person into a coma. The International Olympic Committee bans insulin.  

Dr. Anuj Choudhary suggested that, “Proper nutrient timing and training tailored to your goals is your best bet.” But Insulin abuse is the latest deadly trend. Unfortunately, Bodybuilders use it - often in combination with steroids - to pump their muscles full of staying power. It's estimated that one in four steroid abusers also take insulin. Bodybuilding is an extreme sport, and competitors are always looking for that extra edge when it comes to competition time. Strongly, I am totally against of using insulin and unfair means for Body-building. The International Olympic Committee has banned the utilization of insulin in non-diabetic athletes.

Dr. Choudhary further recommended that, "Protein shakes and bars can likewise be acceptable choices when entire food is definitely not an advantageous choice. Preparing on an unfilled stomach can leave you feeling feeble and effortlessly exhausted during your exercise, and skipping your post-workout meal will result in decreased muscle synthesis and increased soreness.

Tips from Dr. Anuj Choudhary