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Press background on World Avocado Organization
Company profile
The World Avocado Organization is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 whose members are avocado growers, exporters and importers from around the world - including the top four grower supplier countries to the EU and UK. The World Avocado Organization promotes the consumption of avocados based on their nutritional value and recognised health benefits. It also shares information and insights with the public on avocado production, supply chains and sustainability. For more information, please visit
 Recent press releases
Happy Avoween - Healthy Halloween Recipes from the World Avocado Organization

In recent years, Halloween celebrations in India have been gaining popularity, with more people embracing this festive occasion. Traditionally, Halloween is associated with costumes, spooky decorations, and of course, the beloved tradition of "trick or treating." During trick or treating,... (more)
Avocado Cheese Spread: The Perfect Alternative to Mayonnaise

Chef Neha Deepak Shah, renowned for her culinary expertise and passion for creating delightful dishes, proudly presented her creative culinary creation: Avocado Cheese Spread. This was done as part of the ongoing educational campaign of World Avocado Organization in India that seeks to teach the po... (more)
Chef Sanjeev Kapoor's Avocado Culinary Masterclass: Exploring Delightful Recipes

Discover the magic of avocados with Chef Sanjeev Kapoor's special masterclass “Avocado ki Paathshala”! These delightful avocado based recipes are perfect and easy to make. “Avocado ki Paathshala”, is part of a consumer education campaign launched by the World Avocado Org... (more)
A Festive Feast with Avocado

As the festive season approaches, our taste buds eagerly anticipate the delightful array of treats that are about to grace our plates. It is a time for culinary delights, celebration, and joy. However, amidst the festivity and abundance of delicious food, nutrition and health are often compromised.... (more)
World Heart Day - How Avocados can help you keep your Heart Healthy

Avocados can contribute to a heart-healthy diet and help reduce the risk of heart disease, according to studies.
Experts recommend replacing saturated fats with foods containing unsaturated fats, such as avocados.
In celebration of World Heart Day, which took plac... (more)
Go with your Gut: How Avocados Help Keep your Digestive System Happy and Healthy

Studies show avocados can significantly improve our gut health and digestive system
The World Avocado Organization shares two gut-friendly recipes that can help you get on the right track in terms of gastrointestinal health
An ever-growing amount of research point... (more)
Avo on board - Nutrient-packed Avocados are the Ultimate First Food for Babies

Weaning your baby is a hugely exciting and, at times challenging, journey. It’s important that your baby’s first foods are appealing to their tiny taste buds, but they should also be rich in nutrients to support growth and development. That’s where avocados come in. The green nut... (more)
Chef Sanjeev Kapoor Launches "Avocado ki Pathshala"

In the culinary world, certain ingredients stand out for their versatility, health benefits, and unique flavours. One such ingredient is the avocado - a green, buttery fruit that has been capturing the attention of food enthusiasts worldwide and is also getting a lot of popularity in India.  &... (more)
Get the Avocado Glow

Before you embark on your beach adventures or simply enjoy outdoor gatherings, indulge your skin with a revitalizing boost from avocados.
Get the Avocado Glow!
Dubbed the fruit of life, the avocado contains a myriad of nutrients that can help improve sk... (more)
Fighting Obesity with Avocados

According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5), 23% of men, 24% of women have high BMI, 3.4% of children under 5 are overweight.
“Studies have shown that avocados can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases,” says Zac Bard,... (more)