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Press background on Dyn
Company profile
Dyn is a cloud-based Internet Performance company. Dyn helps companies monitor, control, and optimize online infrastructure for an exceptional end-user experience. Through a world-class network and unrivaled, objective intelligence into Internet conditions, Dyn ensures traffic gets delivered faster, safer, and more reliably than ever.
 Recent press releases
Dyn brings Internet Intelligence Solution to Strengthen Foothold in India

Following the successful launch of Internet Intelligence in USA and EMEA Dyn, the worldwide leader in Internet Performance today announced availability of Internet Intelligence in India. A SaaS-based product, Internet Intelligence provides companies with a new and unique view of the Inter... (more)
Dyn Cements its Position as Worldwide Leader in Internet Performance with 25 Successive Quarters of Revenue Growth

More and more companies rely on the Internet to grow their businesses, communicate with customers, and facilitate sales. But when poor Internet Performance impacts the availability of websites, applications and services, it adversely affects sales. The need for Internet Performance services th... (more)