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Press background on Scientific European® (SCIEU)®
Company profile
Scientific European® (SCIEU)® is a monthly popular science magazine focusing on recent scientific discoveries or innovations or overviews of ongoing significant research having strong bearing on science and/or society. We are geared towards general readers who are interested in science and technology. Our articles cover all major scientific areas including but not limited to interaction of science and environment, effect of science on issues of global importance, climate change, and the impact of scientific advancement on the geo-political scenario in the world. The articles present ideas that have already been published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature in the recent past. We do not publish new theories or results of original research and we avoid technical jargon and equations thus enabling a general reader to grasp the relevance of the recent advances in science.
 Recent press releases
UK Based Indian Doc Launches 'Scientific European'

With a concept to deliver accurate data and report to readers, Dr. Umesh Prasad who hails from Ghorasahan village (East Champaran, Bihar (India)) now based in UK launched the magazine 'Scientific European' in Tadworth, Surrey, United Kingdom on 19 January 2018.
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